About Me
Hello & Welcome to my Lebanese kitchen!
My name is Iman and I am a Lebanese-American food blogger and content creator currently residing in the United States.
My Background
I am an east-coast girl born in Massachusetts, before moving to Pennsylvania when I first got married and now currently living in New Jersey. I am a wife and mother to two wonderful children, a sweet girl and boy. I have a Bachelors’ degree in Psychology and work in Human Resources.

Why I Started This Blog
I started “Simply Lebanese” 5 years ago, when I became a stay-at-home mom. I love cooking but, struggled finding the recipes I grew up eating online. My mother, like many ethnic mothers, does not “measure” which makes it difficult to get the recipe perfect, like she makes it. I knew I could not be the only one who has this issue, so, I started this food blog to share the recipes that I grew up eating but with exact measurements and detailed steps.
I am no professional, and not all my recipes are authentic. I am just a wife and mom foodie sharing her versions of her favorite foods.
Middle-Eastern food, especially Lebanese,may seem very intimidating to make. I am here to show you its simplicity and how with the right ingredients and some practice, you can master these recipes.
Lebanese food, like Middle-eastern and Mediterranean, is rich in healthy ingredients such as olive oil, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fresh fish and seafood, and lean proteins. The region is also influenced greatly by the various people and nations that have conquered or passed through the area. This includes the Phoenicians, Romans, Ottoman Turks, as well as the French.
If you know anything about Lebanese people, a major part of our culture is food. Cooking and baking have always been a passion of mine since I was a young teenager. I would stand in the kitchen with my mother just watching her cook dinner on a daily basis. Just normal 13yr old activities, you know. I come from a family of wonderful cooks so I have always had the best teachers.
Tradition is embedded in Lebanese cuisine, so, while it may be hard to separate the two, some of the recipes in my blog have been modernized. There are shortcuts you can take in my recipes so you don’t have to spend all day in the kitchen like my grandmothers did back in the homeland. There are also ingredients that I replace with more commonly found options or healthier alternatives.
Additionally, while many of the recipes on my blog are traditional Arab or Lebanese, many are not. Born and raised in the states, with friends from all over the world, I have a wide-ranging palate. I love all sorts of traditional and non-traditional American food (in particular, baking of classic American sweets!), as well as many international cuisines. I am no professional, and not all my recipes are authentic. I have tweaked them here and there to what works best for me.

Thank you so much for visiting my website, if you ever have any questions about a particular recipe, please leave me a comment and I will do my best to help you out! You can also email me anytime!
Contact Me
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